From the USA to the far reaches of Japan, Eddy Ray has proven to be the master of cups and balls. His instructions are clear and easy to follow. His techniques are highly effective. This 2 DVD set on a single sided dual-layer disc features over 75 of the best moves, sleights, secret loads, and manipulations performed using Cups & Balls.
On This DVD:
INTRODUCTION: The Cups, Cups & Balls Basics, Cups & Balls Terms, Nesting and Stacking, Holding Out, Professional Routine
ESSENTIAL MOVES AND SLEIGHTS: Inertia Move, Fake Transfer/Fake Take/Fake Put, French Drop, Classic Pass, Frank Garcia's Master Vanish
HOLDING OUT: Finger Palming, Thumb Palm, Classic Palm
ESSENTIAL SECRET LOADS: Finger Palm Load, Thumb Palm Load, Classic Palm Load, Tip Over Load, Loading A Nested Cup, Eddy Ray Advanced Stacking Move
STEALING BALLS FROM THE TABLED CUPS: Two Finger Steal, Cup Holdout, Two Finger Steal And Cup Spin, Nested Cup Steal, Little Finger Retention, Nesting Roll Steal
FAKING THE LOAD: The Scoop Method, Pinch Method or Roll, Fake Roll Out and Load, Fake Transfer Load
CUP MANIPULATIONS: Solid Through Solid, Wand Penetration, Wand Penetration Variation, Cup Measurement, Ball From Empty Cup, Cup Roll, Ball Through Cup, Charlie Miller Move, Advanced Miller Move, Elevator Move, Click Move, Eddy Ray Cheat Move, Flustration Count, Tip Off Move, Galloping Post Move, Centrifugal Force, Carlyle's 'Proposition' Bet, Die to Dime
WAND MANIPULATIONS & MOVES: Through The Fist Vanish, Through The Fist #2, Mora Wand Spin, Mora Spin w/Ball Vanish, Instant Vanish, Drummer Spin, Finger Spin, Palm Spin, 1 Hand Wand Appearance, Wand Appearance w/Silk, Flip Wand Vanish, Flip Wand Vanish w/Silks, Eddy Ray Wand Vanish
STARTING YOUR ROUTINE: One Ahead Principle, One Ahead #2, Two Ahead Principle, Three Ahead, Three Ahead #2
STARTING SEQUENCES: One Ahead Return Opening, One Ahead Penetration, Three Ahead Sequence, Garcia's Opening Phase
MIDDLE SEQUENCES: The Assembly, Miller Sequence #1, Miller Sequence #2, Classic Middle Assembly, Slow Motion Assembly, Three On Top, Two None Two Sequence, Shower of Balls, Shower of Balls w/No Cup
FINAL LOADS: Final Load Standing, Loading Your Pockets
FINAL SEQUENCES: Classic Elimination Sequence
FINAL LOAD REVELATIONS: Garcia's Ending Rhythm, Classic Ending Rhythm, Spectator's Ending Rhythm.
ROY BENSON BOWL ROUTINE: Roy Benson Bowl Routine, Props Used For Routine